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8:45 A.M (When Flight 11 hit the South Tower) to the morning of September 12th when Firefighters/Police and EMT's stopped looking through the rubble for survivors.

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Q: What time did the September 11th attacks happen?
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What time period was wold war in?

Eh, well if you want specific dates.....September 1st, 1939-September 2nd, 1945 for WWII....June 28th, 1914-November 11th, 1918 for WWI. Britain joined the second conflict in what I think was September 3rd, 1939 after the invasion of Poland. But if you want a general time period...some might consider it in the 'Modern era'

What time did the plane hit the Pentagon on September 11th?

American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the western side of the Pentagon at 9:37 AM EST. Parts of the building collapsed at 10:10 AM EST. The flight was scheduled to fly from Dulles, Virginia to Los Angeles, California.

How often did air raids happen in world war 2?

Most of the air raids or air attacks by the Germans (& Italians) bombers & fighters on Great Britain itself occurred during the (Air) Battle of Britain July 1940-September 1940. During this time the air attacks would often been a daily affair. Air attacks declined, but were common until July 1941. After July 1941 air attacks were much less frequent, even rare. However starting in June 1944 the unmanned V-1 rocket (similar to modern cruise missile) was launched across the English Channel at England by the Germans. The V-1 carried explosives, and most were directed at London. V-1's could often be detected before they hit, so Air Raid warnings were issued. Many were launched each day. Then in September 1944 through March 1945, the Germans launched the V-2 rocket filled with explosives. Many of these were targeted on England. These hit without warning, because they could rarely be detected by the technology of the time. Many were launched each day. The V-2 was a ballistic missile. Specifics can be found on various websites.

Has the faa ever halt all flight before in the history?

The FAA has only grounded all flights twice in history. The first time was when NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) was established, so they could calibrate their radar systems, and the second was after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

What caused changes for helicopter's to change over time?

New inventions and improvements happen all the time.