If the question asks only about the crews of the two ships, the Monitor had a crew of 59, and the Merrimack had 320, but the entire two-day Battle of Hampton Roads involved thousands more. The Merrimack was joined by five CSN gunboats, and there were five USN warships at Hampton Roads. [The Merrimack sank two of them before the Monitor arrived.]
1st battle btwn iron ships
The Monitor and the Virginia (also known as the Merrimack.)
The Monitor (representing the North), and the Merrimack (representing the South) battled on March 8, 1862. Although there was no winner, the Monitor was a better ship. This was the first time that ships were fitted with armour for battle. The battle between the Monitor and the Merrimack would cause the building of more ships for battles and wars in the future.
Metal-covered ships C:
If the question asks only about the crews of the two ships, the Monitor had a crew of 59, and the Merrimack had 320, but the entire two-day Battle of Hampton Roads involved thousands more. The Merrimack was joined by five CSN gunboats, and there were five USN warships at Hampton Roads. [The Merrimack sank two of them before the Monitor arrived.]
It was a Draw because the ships armor was to advanced for the times.
1st battle btwn iron ships
the ships were both ironclad ships which was a ship made of wood then layered with iron
the ships were both ironclad ships which was a ship made of wood then layered with iron
The Monitor and the Virginia (also known as the Merrimack.)
The Monitor (representing the North), and the Merrimack (representing the South) battled on March 8, 1862. Although there was no winner, the Monitor was a better ship. This was the first time that ships were fitted with armour for battle. The battle between the Monitor and the Merrimack would cause the building of more ships for battles and wars in the future.
It was the first battle between ironclad ships.
It was the first time iron ships fought against each other. Officially it was the USS Monitor against the CSS Virginia. The Virginia was made from the sunken hull of the USS Merrimack.
USS Monitor
Metal-covered ships C:
The battle between the USS Monitor and the formerly known Union ship called the USS Merrimack, was the first ever battle between ironclad warships. The Merrimack had been reconstructed as an ironclad and renamed the CSS Virginia. Although the Monitor received the most damage between the two ships, for all practical purposes it was a draw.