His full name is Adolf Hitler.
The code name for this invasion was Operation Barbarossa.
His birth name was Adolf Schicklgruber, which was his mother's name, because Adolf was illegitimate. Hitler was the name of his stepfather. In German, "Adolf" was written as "O'wolf". His last name was also written different but I don't know German. He went by the name of Adolf Wolf in his early political days for security reasons
Klara Hitler was the Mother of Adolf Hitler and Paula.When hitlers father died she took on taking roll as the supervisor of Adolf Hitler and his sister Paula.
Gosh, how time moves on! In my young day nobody would not have known about Adolf Hitler.
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.
His full name is Adolf Hitler.
His full name and Christian name is Adolf Hitler.
Alois Hitler.
Her name was Klara Hitler.
He was born Adolf Schicklgruber, but took his father's (Alois Hitler) name when he was a teenager.
he didn't have a middle name...Hitler did not have a middle name, Adolf was enough!
Aloïs Schickelgrüber Aloïs Schickelgrüber,
His dogs name was Charlie.