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They didn't. But Britain was America's major allies (or ally). Although, it was very little to do with Britain. The US owned Alaska, which according to Russia, was a threat, when Russia seems threatened, the Soviet Army will start to attack. So, despite the threat, Russia tried to end the 'Cold' War bravely by threatening to drop a 'Big Ivan' bomb on America. Now, onto the bomb. The 'Big Ivan' (As Known As: TZAR) was designed to be 100 Megatons of TNT, but despite having problems with the explosion, it was scaled down to 50 Megatons of TNT (50,000,000 Kilograms). It was dropped from a modified Tupolev Tu-95 Bear. Instead, the USAF decided to send a Squadron of F-15 Eagles out to meet the Tu-95, they also took pictures of the bomber. The bomb, dropped on it's test site, inspired a mushroom cloud that rose to an astonishing 210,000 feet. If it had 100 Megatons, it would've rose to at least 420,000 feet (50 Megatons = Half the amount of TNT, along with half the height of the 100 Megaton explosion, 420,000 feet, 210,000 feet is half the height of 420,000 feet.) But, to the Russians' surprise in 1980, the USAF had won, they used a B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, which ended the Cold War. Then, UK, USA, and USSR, left the cold war.

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Britain was a democratic world power during the Cold War, and Britain had the same reasons as the US and France to keep Communism contained.

Nuclear Deterrence --- Like France and the US, Britain maintained a nuclear arsenal of bombers and ballistic missile submarines, just in case.

International Cooperation --- Britain cooperated with other Free World countries during the Cold War, honored USAF leases on British soil, and refused to condemn US involvement in Vietnam.

Military Commitment --- Britain maintained forces in Western Europe as part of its commitment to NATO, provided airplanes for the Berlin Airlift, ground and air forces for Korea, and Britain's own war (the Malayan Emergency) against Communism in the Pacific.

Espionage --- Throughout history the British have been very good with the cloak and the dagger, and the Cold War was no exception. Except for one notable spy plot which backfired terribly (the Profumo Affair), Britain handled the spy game well.

Ideology & Propaganda --- Britain took a decidedly anti-Communist stance from the beginning of the Cold War. In fact, it was Winston Churchill who coined the term "Iron Curtain."

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