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Q: What was a foot soldier in World War 1?
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Related questions

What was the symbol for foot soldiers in World war 1?

Trench warfare was the symbol of a foot soldier in World War 1. Most of the battles for the foot soldier took place from a trench dug for protection.

What did imfantry mean in world war 1?

infantry was any soldier unit or group that was on foot

What war was Hitler a soldier?

World War 1

Was Adolph Hitler an soldier?

Yes he was an soldier in World War 1

How did soldier get to war in World war 1?

By ship (transports).

World War 1- The War To End All Wars- Who was the last soldier to die?

It is not really possible to tell the last soldier who died at the end of the World War 1.

What was a Tommy in World War 1?

A Tommy in world war one was a British soldier.

What were the wages of a World War 1 soldier?

it was £150.. :)

What do the most decorated US soldier in World War 1 and the most decorated US soldier in World War 2 have in common?

They were from Texas

Who was the soldier at the end of World War 1- The War To End All Wars?

There were many soldiers at the end of the World War 1 during the end of the world war.

Was Ernest Robitaille a soldier in World War 1?


What were the soldier relationships during World War 1?
