The opposition for the war was from young cowards who did not want to serve. There was a small cadre of socialist who supported the tyranny of the communist north such as Jane Fonda. But the majority just did not want to fight to keep a third world country free.
The vast majority of Americans did not turn against the war until the battle of hamburger hill. In that battle hundreds of GI's were killed and thousands of Communists died. But after the battle the US abandoned the hill and the Communist retook it.
Hawks and Doves. Hawks-Bomb them back into the stone age Doves-No more war
The people who supported the Vietnam War were commonly knowns as hawks.
During the Vietnam War, America was split in half (not literally of course). One side was called the Hawks and they were the side that wanted to increase military force and send more troops into Vietnam to win the war. The Doves on the otherhand, wanted the opposite and wanted the troops to be withdrawn and settle the war with peace.
The costs of victory outweighed the benefits.
the costs of victory outweighed the benefits
Doves are those who desire peace over war. Hawks support war when necessary to resolve a conflict or subdue an enemy. Consequently, it was the doves who opposed the Vietnam War.
doves believed the Vietnam's conflict was localized civil war and disagreed with Johnson war policy, but Hawks supported his felt Vietnam a crucial front in the war
It had an unfair impact on poorer citizens.
Hawks and Doves. Hawks-Bomb them back into the stone age Doves-No more war
Hawks and Doves.
During the Vietnam War, the country was divided into two sections, the ones who wanted the war, and those who didn't. The Hawks wanted the war and the Doves were against it.
The people who supported the Vietnam War were commonly knowns as hawks.
Cold war.
haws were pro war doves were anti war