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Q: What was the First Nation to stop Germany blitzkrieg?
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Great Britain was one of the Allied Nation who were able to block the German Naval forces from approaching the beaches. There was also a blockade of outlets as well.

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what was happening was that most ofEurope was arguing with the other European nations. then Germany and one other country which i forgot went to take over i believe either France,England or some other nation. then England and France went to stop Germany and that other nation from invading the nation they wanted to invade. i apologize since i left some information blank

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The Allied forces defeated Germany.

Why did the allies occupy Germany?

Because germany had been defeated in war (twice). The occupation was to insure that Germany would not attempt to regain the ability to make war, and to help preserve the lives of the residents of Germany. The nation had been badly damaged by the war, leaving people without shelter, warmth, food, clothing, or medical care.

Who were blitzkrieg tactics and what did they do?

It Was in Germany First off the Ju-78 or Stukas Did their bombing of important positions of enemy like bunkers trains etc. Then The Panzers or tanks went ahead as killed all the infantry. While The mechanised infantry was watching the panzers back. But the attack didnt stop the panzers and planes went ahead while little bit of panzers and infantry stayed at the sides to protect the trucks that resupplied the troops.

How did the allies try to stop Germany before Sept 1 1939?

The allies tried to stop Germany by signing an agreement with Hitler.