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The government's reasoning behind isolating the Japanese-Americans was because the United States felt that they were not trust worthy after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and that the Japanese-American's might try to attack the Americans.

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Q: What was the US Government rationale for isolating the Japanese Americans?
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The US government felt that the Japanese Americans might spy for Japan and the government sent them to internment camps.

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Americans thought Japanese Americans were helping japan during ww2

What is the official position of the US government concerning the treatment of Japanese-Americans during World War 2?

The U.S. government acknowledged that the Japanese Americans were treated unfairly.

What was the major reason for relocating many Japanese-Americans to government-run internment camps?

the fear that Japanese-Americans might betray the U.S.

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Japanese Americans and Canadians were put interned due to fears by the government that they would spy for their homeland.

How did the us government policy of internment affect thousands of Japanese Americans on the west coast of the US?

The effects on the internment of Japanese-Americans was negative psychologically. Shock and fear plagued the Japanese-Americans as a result of the internment camps.