That will be argued about for years with differing opinions, but I think that the pivotal point was Field Marshal Montgomery's victory over General Rommel at El Alamein in the South African campaign.
when rasa was beating usa in world war 1 so that is y they turning point
The Battle of Gettysburg is usually noted as the turning point of the US Civil War.
The Germans violated the Versailles Treaty and attacked Poland. The Japanese invaded China and other places before bombing the US Naval Fleet. These events led to World War 2. Stalingrad was the turning point on the Eastern Front. El Alamein was the turning point in Africa. Midway was the turning point in the Pacific, and Normandy was the turning point on the Western Front.
In the second World War the decisive turning point on the western front was D-Day. This was when the Allies invaded Nazi occupied France.
when rasa was beating usa in world war 1 so that is y they turning point
The Second Battle of El Alamein in Egypt. Stalingrad was the turning point on the Eastern Front. El Alamein was the turning point in Africa. Midway was the turning point in the Pacific, and Normandy was the turning point on the Western Front.
Invasion of Normandy or D-Day was first turning point of the war on the western front, a 2nd turning point was Battle of the Bulge.
yes i was
In what Theater
YES, D-Day was the turning point for the war in Europe.
What was Saratoga the turning point of the war
nobody cares
the battle of midway
important in world war 2 ;)