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It was exactly that. Only Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation prevented Britain from granting recognition to the Confederacy - it would have made them look pro-slavery themselves.

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Q: What was the confederate plan to enlist England's aid in return for continued cotton shipments?
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Why did the french help the confederate army?

I'm not sure of any specific ways that France helped the Confederacy. However, many European countries continued to do business with the Confederate States because they wanted to purchase the cotton from them.

What was the confederate uniforms made out of?

Im guessing cotton since the south was famous for cotton

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After the South seceded from the Union the Confederate government issued cotton money that was based on the?

Value of a bale of cotton

After the South seceded from the Union the Confederate government issued cotton money that was based on the .?

Value of a bale of cotton

Why was Southern cotton not reaching the factories of Europe during the US Civil War?

The European countries, especially Great Britain, found other places to get their cotton. Britain had colonies, such as India and Egypt, that gave them cotton at a cheaper price. The European countries also depended on the Union for wheat shipments. The Union threatened to cut off wheat shipments to Britain if it bought Confederate cotton and sold it arms in return. The lack of grain would lead to food shortages and internal unrest for the governments. There was too much risk involved in continuing to buy the cotton shipments from the Confederacy because grain was more important.

Which was the Souths greatest resource at the start of the civil war?

The greatest resource was cotton. During the civil war, the South traded cotton for guns and other supplies. The South also withheld cotton shipments to Britain to convince them to help them fight in the Civil War. This was called the Cotton Diplomacy.

What Sea will disappear if continued to be used for cotton irrigation?

The sea that will disappear if continued to be used for cotton irrigation is the Aral Sea. This is on account of the fact that they divert the rivers in order to perform the cotton irrigation and this causes no water to be able to reach the Aral Sea.

The term used to describe Confederate foreign policy was?

King Cotton diplomacy.

What backed the Confederate money issued in the South at the beginning of the Civil War?

cotton crops

The Confederate economy was especially hurt by?

the Union's effective naval blockade on cotton exports

Did the confederacy expected the European nations to officially recognize its new government in order to insure continued shipments of southern tobacco?

Many people in the Confederacy expected certain European nations to recognize its new government. The main reason was that the South was a main source of cotton for England as example. At various times during the US Civil War, England came close to recognizing the Confederacy as an independent nation. As it turned out, Confederate battle losses combined with its institution of slavery caused them to defer on official recognition. With that said, the French and British continued to trade with the South. What Confederate leaders failed to take into consideration was that some Europeans were less inclined to offer official recognition to the South because they did not wish to be seen as victims of Southern extortion. This pertained to a minority of European leaders.