

Best Answer

The cost was 35,334,012,000 for Great Britain.

is this in pounds or dollars

and this answer is completey wrong.

it actually cost Britain

£8008135 and 43110 pence

And this answer is also completely wrong

type out 8008531 backwards into the calculator

then turn the calculator upside down

Ta dah!

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16y ago

it cost £5.99 A complete bargain it cost £5.99 A complete bargain

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Q: What was the cost of World War 1 to Great Britain?
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What war is Great Britain World War I or World War 2?

Great Britain, or more correctly The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, was involved in both World War 1 and World War 2.

What lesson Britain learn after the Great Britain war?

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What country was controlled by Great Britain at the beginning of World War I?

There were many countries that were controlled by Great Britain at the beginning of World War 1.

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To have Great Britain Pay for it

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Who was the king during world war 2?

George VI was king of Great Britain during World War 2.

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World War 2 was of two alliances. The Axis, and the Allies. Great Britain and U.S.A were on the Allies side.

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Britain had a coalition government during World War 2

When and why did Great Britain enter World War 2?

Great Britain declared war on Germany in September 1939 after Germany invaded Poland.

What Britain thought of World War 1?

Britain thought so much of World War I that they call it "The Great War". And there has not been a better war since. But since the great war was really a war about nothing, it really was a shabby endeavor.

During which war was the battle of great Britain fought?

World War II.