A Kapo (sometimes spelled Capo) was a trusted prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp. Kapos were given various privileges and had to supervise other prisoners, maintain discipline, distribute food and so on. Many abused their power, of course, and ill-treated the other prisoners ... A Kapo was not a soldier and had no standing outside the camp.
a skull, but it was not on soldier's uniforms, it was on the uniforms of a divivsion of the SS.
Originally organised by Hermann Goering, the gestapo was Prussia's secret state police. However, it eventually became part of the SS and operated throughout Germany and in occupied areas. Members of the Gestapo generally operated in civilian clothing but, in occupied areas, often wore SS uniform with police-style (rather than SS) rank insignia. Membership of the Gestapo didn't necessarily mean membership of the SS.
In Nazi concentration camps a pipel was a boy (usually in early adolescence) kept by an SS guard or a kapo for sex. This was tolerated at some camps.
In Nazi concentration camps, der Blockaelteste was the senior Kapo or 'trusted prisoner' (trusted by the SS, that is) for a block or large hut. He (or she) was usually in charge of food distribution in the hut and had disciplinary powers over the other inmates. Some had the power to whip other prisoners. The word is only used in this specific sense.
An SS officer was an officer in the SS.SS stands for Schutzstaffel. Literally it means 'protective squad', but it should be left untranslated as SS.The SS was originally set up as Hitler's personal bodyguard and was a sub-division of the SA (brownshirts, stormtroopers). In 1934 it became fully independent of the SA and was commanded by Himmler (with Heydrich as his deputy). It became the core of Nazi terror apparatus and ran the concentration camps and by about 1936 assumed control of the entire terror apparatus.In the late 1930s, various additional SS units were set up as a kind of supplementary army alongside the main German army, which some of the top Nazis didn't quite trust. This SS "army" was called the "Waffen-SS" and was distinct from the "Totenkopfverbaende" ("Death's Head Units") that ran the concentration camps.All sections of the SS liked to look on themselves as an elite ... During World War 2 the SS accepted foreign volunteers as the German regular army wasn't keen on accepting foreigners. So there were, for example, Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Bosnian Muslim and other SS units.In general, the SS had a reputation for fanatical devotion to Nazism. It was officially ranked as racially one notch above ordinary Germans ...!Like all larger military outfits, the SS had officers, NCOs and ordinary soldiers.Note that the SS had its own designation for ranks. These almost entirely avoided rank designations borrowed from foreign languages, so for example, the SS equivalent of a "Major" was a "Sturmbannführer" a full "General" was an "Obergruppenführer" and so on.See the Related Link for "Wikipedia: SS Ranks" to the bottom for the answer.
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No, Kapos were recommended by individual SS guards at the various camps.
Kapos were appointed as and when the SS thought they needed them.
A soldier fights for his Country, while a gypsie works to engage the members of the country
· kapo - a concentration camp inmate appointed by SS to be in charge of other inmates.
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German Soldier or an Waffen SS Soldier.
The cast of The Rise of Valhalla - 2015 includes: Sebastian Badenberg as Viking 4 Marc Bluhm as Paul Daniel Denecke as SS Soldier 4 Jan Haake as Viking 1 Markus Hettich as SS Soldier Josef Mario Kas as Wilhelm Andreas Konze as SS Soldier 2 Martin Krawinkel as SS Soldier 7 Robin Metz as SS Soldier 6 Thomas Pill as SS General Wolff Fabio Sorgini as Ludwig Pas van Deyck as SS-Officer Schmitz Javier Wolf as Gustav
As in Most SS cars, (which is short for Super Sport) There will be an SS badge on the radiator grille. Also, which should go with saying, the SS version has a higher performance.
the ss stands for super sport and rs stands for rally sport ... z28 .... your guess is as good as mine , ss is the best in my eyes .
There is no H770-sst just the H770-SS which has a SST tank assembly.