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Jews because Hitler hated them

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Q: What was the group of people that suffered the most during the Holocaust and why?
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Which group of people suffered 6 millions deaths during the holocaust?

The Jews

What group of people suffered over 6 million deaths during the holocaust?

6 million Jews were lost to the Holocaust.

What group had 6 million people killed during the Holocaust?

The Nazis organized the holocaust

Who are the gypises in the Holocaust?

The term "gypsies" refers to the Roma people, who were a targeted group during the Holocaust. They were subject to persecution, forced labor, and mass killings by the Nazis and their collaborators. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of Roma people were killed during this time.

What group lost 6 million people during the holocaust?


What people wrote stories that stayed alive during the Holocaust?

there were people from every (substantial) group who wrote stories.

Which group were main victims during the Holocaust?

Jews, Gypsies, and mentally/physically deformed people.

What group of people used scapegoats during the holocaust?

Presumably you are referring to the fact that some Jews blamed the Holocaust on those Jews who were not pious enough.

What was the largest group of people killed during the Holocaust?

The Jews were the majority of the deaths in the Holocaust. But also Gays, the elderly, cripples, and I believe Blacks were killed.

What demographic of people where targeted in the Holocaust?

The Holocaust did not discriminate by age group.

Where has genocide occurred during the Holocaust?

Genocide is the mass murder of people of a particular race or origin. The Holocaust was the mass murder of the jews, a group of people sharing in many cases a race or common origin.

What group of people do you associate with the holocaust?
