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The Infantry mission was to seize the beaches and get ashore as many men and vehicles as possible.

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Q: What was the infantry mission on D-Day?
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All Marines are paid the same. It depends on the pay grade (rank). During deployment if you are in a combat MOS (infantry) you will get hazardous duty pay, and other mission specific allowances.

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The length of your tour isn't really determined by your MOS, but by your unit and the mission. For a regular line infantry company, a tour might be six months, or, in the case of those of us who were in the initial push into Iraq, close to two years. Army Rangers tend to do shorter tours than line infantry units do.

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The only way to win is by using air recon, infantry and a soggy sausage. Using that tactic will allow you to win the game.

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there is no antonym of infantry