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The American people no longer trusted the government.

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Q: What was the main effect of the US government's deception about its policies and military conduct in Vietnam?
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What are the release dates for The Uncounted Enemy A Vietnam Deception - 1982 TV?

The Uncounted Enemy A Vietnam Deception - 1982 TV was released on: USA: 23 January 1982

Important documents of the Vietnam war?

The important documents are those in North Vietnam's archives, detailing how North Vietnam practiced deception while instigating aggression.

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Vietnam is a country.

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When was Vietnam Military History Museum created?

Vietnam Military History Museum was created in 1956.

When did the US enter Vietnam?

If your referring to the Vietnam War, the first U.S military advisors arrived in Vietnam in 1950.

How Vietnam changed military?

From a conscripted military to an all volunteer military.

What were the Vietnam policies of President Kennedy and Robert McNamara?

The plan was to help the non-Communist government to stay in power via virtually every way except direct military action on their behalf.

What were the governmant policies during the Vietnam war?

Communist containment.

Governmant policies during the Vietnam war?

Communist containment.

What guided Johnsons policies in Vietnam?

His commitment to containing communism