Depends on what type of weapon you are asking about. Assuming you mean a shoulder fired weapon it would range anywhere from 100 yards (smooth bore musket) to 1000 yards (and in the case of some specialized rifles even more).
If you talking about artillery again it would vary with type piece, size of piece and the type projectile anywhere from a few hundred yards to several miles.
there were seventy six melee weapons in the civil war.
The Spanish Civil war provided opportunities for the equipment and weapons to be tested.
the weapons used during the civil war were not only for killing people but to get the union back together and win the war.
mostly they relied off the weapons they had with England smuggling in weapons
Common civil war weapons can be divided into individual weapons and heavy weapons. These two classes can again be divided into different classes, such as: edged weapons, handguns, rifles and grenades (all individual weapons), and rapid fire weapons and artillery (heavy weapons).
there were seventy six melee weapons in the civil war.
Muskets, swords pistols knives and long range ballistic missiles ( kidding about the missiles)
No, drummer boys of the civil war did not carry weapons. All they did is drum.
the weapons
The Spanish Civil war provided opportunities for the equipment and weapons to be tested.
the weapons used during the civil war were not only for killing people but to get the union back together and win the war.
Rifled firearms, greatly extending the range of weapons, both for artillery and infantry.
mostly they relied off the weapons they had with England smuggling in weapons
Weapons used during the English Civil War included swords and other bladed weapons, and fire arms including simple muskets and cannon.
More efficient weapons with greater range and accuracy, but almost nothing in the way of medical facilities and supplies.