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it began the civil war

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Q: What was the significance of the confederate capture of fort Sumter?
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Why was Fort Sumter so important to the US Civil War?

The Confederate capture of Fort Sumter was important to the US Civil War because it was the event that led to the US Civil War.

What was the effect of confederate soldiers firing on union troops at fort Sumter?

confederate soldier fire on union troops in fort sumter.

Did the Confederate side retreat or advance in the Battle of Fort Sumter?

In the April 1861 the battle of Fort Sumter led to the Union's surrender of the fort to Confederate forces.

Which confederate general attacked fort Sumter?

P.G.T. BeauregardConfederate general who attacked fort sumter?

Was Fort Sumter a part of the union or confederate soldiers?


Was fort Sumter confederate?

Fort Sumter was a United States fort which happened to be in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, waters claimed by the Confederacy. After its surrender it became Confederate.

When was the confederate attack on Fort sumter?


What was the effect after confederate soldiers fired on union troops in fort Sumter?

The Confederate bombardment of Fort Sumter signed the outbreak of the American Civil War-.

When was the capture of fort Sumter by the union?

Fort Sumter was surrendered by the Union when its garrison packed up and left. This was the first action of the Civil War. Later the Union re-occupied it after the Confederate surrender, but there was no need for any 'capturing' by then. The Union formally retook possession of Fort Sumter on February 22, 1865.

Confederate attack on fort Sumter in what year?

The Battle of Fort Sumter ws April 12-13 1861

When did the south take Fort Sumter?

Confederate forces captured Fort Sumter on Saturday, April 13, 1861.

What key event occured in April that led to more states joining the confederacy?

The first shots of the Civil War (Confederate capture of Fort Sumter).