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During World War I, German and Allied armies were stalled in their attempts to advance and capture more territory. In a sense, they "dug in" meaning they fortified their positions in France by digging and manning long and deep trenches. When it seemed proper to do so, one army would attempt to take over their enemies' fortified trenches by charging into the enemies gunfire. Little was gained by this. It was the cause of many casualties.

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Q: What was trench warefare in World War 1 characterized by?
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What type of warfare characterizes World War 1?

Trench Warefare

Why was trench warefare used in world war 1?

the reason for trench warfare was to take cover from enemy fire and motar shell fargments.

What type of warefare brought world war 1 to a stalemate?

The invention of machine guns, gas warfare and trench warfare

What were the 5 new types of technology in war world 1?

there was chemical warefare,machine guns,Artillery,Trench warfare,and Tanks

What is World War I often characterized as?

World war 1 is often characterized as a trench was, because most of the fighting took place in trenches and other fortified positions.

What war was characterized by trench warfare?

The First World War - July 28, 1914 – November 11, 1918.

Which front of the war was characterized by a stalemate due to trench warfare?

The Western Front!

What were the principal characteristics of world war 1?

Most of World War 1 was characterized by stalemates caused by trench warfare. This caused the war to drag out for longer than expected, and casualties extended to the civilian populations of some countries.

Hiding place in a World War 1 trench?


What should you do for your world war 1 history project?

Depends on your interests. There are many things you could do a report on such as... America's entry in to the war What started it and why What were the out come of the war What were the technological advances made from the war? (Gas warefare, airplanes, land mines, railroad artillery cannons, zepplins, trench warefare to name a few) People in the war...Air aces, Generals, other heros of the war... Military tactics used in the war Places were the war was fought Many others that I didn't list are available to you. Good luck on your report!

Can you give me a sentence for the word trench?

"The World war 1 trench was the biggest I have found" or "The trench in the ocean was the biggest in the world"

How was the western front characterized?

trench warfare that kept both sides in virtually the same positions for four years.