American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
General Johnston
Ambrose Burnside led the raids that distracted Confederate troops, enabling General Grant to land his troops south of Vicksburg.
General Montgomery was placed in command of the British troops.
Dwight Eisenhower No. There were no American troops at El Alamein and the British and Commonwealth troops were commanded by General Auchinleck and General Dorman Smith during the 1st defensive battle but were replaced by General Alexander in overall command and General Montgomary. commanding the 8th Army in the field, for the 2nd decisive counter attack.
American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
trapped and captured
Canada entered the war as a ally for british troops the minute they entered.
troop fatface
general george custer and his troops were routed at the battle of little big horn
General Edward Braddock
The most common reason Australia has entered in previous troops was to aid Allies such as England and the US. This is the reason they entered most major wars, such as the Korean War,ÊVietnam War, and the Iraq War
General Johnston
Two corps of the Army of the Potomac were under General McClellan's control at Alexandria. They were General Sumner's Second Corps and General Franklin's Sixth Corps. This totaled 25,000 troops. McClellan saw General Pope as incompetent and did not want to waste good troops to save Pope's hopeless situation. General in Chief Henry W. Halleck ordered McClellan to send these troops to reinforce Pope. McClellan held back these troops as long as possible. McClellan also urged General Pope to not engage the Rebel troops and to retreat to the north.
Ambrose Burnside led the raids that distracted Confederate troops, enabling General Grant to land his troops south of Vicksburg.