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the golden years in Germany were from 1924-1929 (Hitler wasn't in power then). Berlin at the time was described as the party capital. the German cinema was even competing with Hollywood at the time.

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Q: What were the Golden years like in Germany during the time of Hitler?
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During which years was Adolf Hitler the ruler of Germany?

Adolf Hitler ruled Germany from January of 1933 until April of 1945, when he committed suicide.

Who ruled Germany before Hitler?

Adolf Hitler was the leader of Germany in the years leading to World War II. He became chancellor of Germany in 1933, six years before the war began.

What years was Hitler in charge of Germany?

From 1933 to 1945.

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About 13 years

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Constanze Manzialy was Hitler's cook during the last years of his life. She was with him in the Fuehrerbunker in Berlin at the end of the war. Most believe she died on May 2, 1945 during the final fighting in the Germany capital.

What exact years was Hitler the ruler of Germany?

1933 to 1945.

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He was chancellor of Germany from 1933-1945.

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it took him 40 years!

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hitler ruled germany for many years, and make germany powerful by killing all of the jewish children that had brown hair and blue eyes.

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Hitler, Austrian by birth, had no reason to invade Germany. About two years after becoming chancellor of Germany, Hitler had a firm choke hold on the entire country, so he then focused on invading other countries.

What years did Hitler serve?

He was Chancellor of Germany from 1934 to 1945.

How old was adolf Hitler when he became ruler of Germany?

Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. He was appointed Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, 3 months before his 44th birthday.