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the bodies wernt used for anything, but the tons and tons of human hair was used to make hair cloth,its sicking

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Q: What were the bodies from the Holocaust used for if anything?
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Related questions

How was the crematoriom used in the holocaust?

same as they are used now, to burn bodies.

How many Holocaust victims is the Holocaust Museum dedicated to?

the bodies they could find and identify. not all the people in the holocaust were put in the museum because some bodies were so destroyed they didn't know who they were.

What happened to the bodies after the deaths in the holocaust?

The bodies could have been buried or burnt.

What did they do with all the bodies during the holocaust?

they burned them.

How were the crematoriums during the holocaust?

Full of burning bodies I suppose

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Was the Holocaust capital punishment?

No, the Holocaust was extermination (mass murder). The victims had not been charged with anything or been tried for anything.

Did the dead bodies of the Jews get buried after the holocaust was over?

Most of the corpses (dead bodies) were cremated (burned) at the extermination camps during the Holocaust. Others were buried in mass graves during the Holocaust. Recent archaeological 'digs' at Belzec, for example, have uncovered eleven mass graves with the remains of at least 10,000 bodies in each grave.

What did the do with the remains of the people when they were killed in the holocaust?

The bodies were piled up in a corner.

What labr did they have them do in the holocaust?

many, most labour was burning bodies and burying

Why were people cremated in the Holocaust?

In the holocaust the corpses (dead bodies) of the victims were often cremated (burnt) after they had been gassed. It saved space.

How many bodies did people found after Holocaust?

only thousands, as most were cremated.