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Q: What were the conditions like in factories for women?
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What were the working conditions like for the women and children in the factories during the industrial revolution?

hard. they were fed little and forced to work long hours.

Did women working in the factories in World War 2 get dirty?

Not especially the working conditions were good and clean

What did conditions in factories begin to decline?

Factories begin because of the working conditions.

Did men and women work in factories in the 1900s?

Yes men and women worked in factories

Did women in the 1950's take on manlike duties?

It was more like during the war--1940s when women went to work in factories and such.

What disaster forced state and national attention on working conditions in factories and stores?

The triangle shirtwaist fire 146 people died most of which were women

In factories today do men or women get higher paying jobs?

Women because alot of the factories have creative jobs.

What are small factories that have poor working conditions called?

Such factories are referred to as 'sweatshops'. Though not all are small factories.

Why where women and children preferred as workers in factories?

They were small and generally more agile than men, so they could work in more cramped conditions. Also they rarely complained of unacceptable work conditions.

What were the conditions like for women in the work place?

Most of them were exactly the same as the mens conditions.

Why did conditions in factories begin to decline?

The reason why conditions in factories begins to decline is that in quality of working conditions. Machines run by unskilled workers were eliminating the jobs of many skilled craftspeople.

What were the women that worked in factories and defense plants called?

in ww1 women were called canaries because of the yellow faces they got from the tnt in the factories