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Q: What were the expectations for gunners in ww1 and World War 2?
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What were the expectations for gunners in World War 1 and World War 2?

the expectations of ww1 or ww2 gunner must have great eyesight and hearing as well as great observance.

Why did participation in world war 1 increase Africans' hopes and expectations for independence?

I don't believe most Africans were even aware of WW1.

Which war was bigger ww1 or World War 2?

world war 1

What is the synonym for World War I?


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Did poison gases prolong World War I?

because the ww1 is world war 1

Why is it called WW1?

WW1 is short for Wold War 1. It was the first war that truly impacted all the countries of the world.

What was ww1 called a world war?

It was also called the Great War.

Are the flight instruments from World War 1 or World War 2 worth more?


When and where did World War I start?

WW1 started in 1914

Was Poland in the World War I?

Yes. Poland was in WW1.

When World War I ended?

Ww1 ended in 1918.