Allies - United States, France, Great Britain, Soviet Union, et al.Axis - Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan
Traditionalists against radical reformers.
Some countries have accurace (or as accurate as possible) records of who fought in their forces in World War I; but some countries for various reasons have little or no records of this information.
In World War I Australia fought with other countries but in World War II they were not part of the Allied Forces that conquered the Axis Forces.
If you need specific names you can contact the Royal Armed Forces records place or see if one of the memorials in Canada has the names listed. See links below.
the names of the two opposing forces were the allies and the axis. The axis was Germany, Italy, and japan. The allies were the united states, great Britain, France and the soviet union.
Allies - United States, France, Great Britain, Soviet Union, et al.Axis - Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan
Allied forces and Central Forces
Traditionalists against radical reformers.
the opposing forces were comprised of both nations' residents.
The British and the French in North America
Yes, it sided withe the southern Greek forces opposing the Persian invasion.
The Axis .
Hawks and Doves
World War 1 became a world war basically from the beginning because both Britain and France brought their colonial troops to war with them. Indian, African, and Asian colonial forces fought in Europe and in their home countries against opposing forces. When the Ottoman Empire entered the war, all of the middle east became involved and fighting ranged from Egypt to Iraq. Additionaly, Canadian, New Zealand, and Australian troops fought for Britain from the beginning of the war.
Germany and Itlay