Horse chestnuts in World War 1 were used for production of acetone for firing shells by the British army. This happened due to a shortage of maize and potatoes, the original ingredients.
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Yes it was used in World War 1 but it was stopped being used in World War 2
Yes, world war 1 had tanks. World War 1 was the introduction of battle-ready tanks used in war.
Mainly horses were used in World War 2. But donkeys were used in World War 1.
yes, usually in the form of artillery shells.
White stars
Horse chestnuts in World War 1 were used for production of acetone for firing shells by the British army. This happened due to a shortage of maize and potatoes, the original ingredients.
Yes, early bombs were conventional artillery shells, but by the end of the war customized bombs were in production.
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Yes, they were used to shoot shells of chemical gases into other trenches but other weapons used during World War 1 included Military Airplanes, Machine Guns, Tanks, and submarines
The First World War was so costly because of the amount of ammunition and shells used. When it settled down into trench warfare, it rapidly became a war of attrition.
Mortars, artillery shells especially shrapnell, hand grenades and rifle grenades.
They used rifles and very outdated weapons like shells, and guns.There were many different snipers to...
in world war 1 Germany introduced the use of chemical weapons for instance the Mustard Gas artillery shells, theses weapons where mainly used by countries on there side.
heavy artillary was shells and big guns