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On the Western Front, soldiers lived in mud, rats, fleas, constant grime and misery. Some trenches were no more than shell-holes that happened to be in a line. The horses did not have things much better. Initially they were used in suicidal cavalry charges against modern rifles and machine guns. Later: they were used as draft animals to pull artillery and move supplies. The work was so rough that a horse may survive as much as 18 months, though usually less due to overwork and underfeeding.

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Q: What where the conditions like for soldiers and horses like in WW1?
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What were living conditions like for soldiers on the battlefield during ww1?

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horses were chosen for their stamina and on how they reacted to extreme noise (it would not do to have horses stampeding as shells exploded,this could cause many more injuries to the soldiers)

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you'r probably thinking of shell shock or grenade shock. A post traumatic disorder probably.

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when the ww1 ended and if they were very hurt

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Yes, of course they did. Letters home from soldiers spoke vividly of the conditions at the front as did dispatches in newspapers. It wasn't a secret.

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