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Which civil war? Conscription team? If by civil war you mean "The War Between the States" in America, and when you say conscription you mean the draft, and by teams you mean " sides"...

Then the answer would be that the Northern States or the Federals was one side/team and the Southern States or the Confederacy was the other side/team. Both drafted or conscripted men to meet the needs of their Armies.

Short answer: North vs. South.

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Q: What where the conscription teams in the Civil War?
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How did conscription affect the Civil War?

Conscription, also known as the draft, affected the Civil War in different ways. Since the conscription was new in this time, there were some flaws in their system which made it unfair to some. The conscription immediately led to riots and fear. Most of the riots had happened because the wealthy were able to pay to be exempt from the draft. Overall, the initial conscription of the Civil War itself was not very successful or liked because of how much conflict and pressure it put on the people's shoulders. However, war wise, it gave each side more men to fight with.

What was the Drafting of men to serve in the army was called?

The FIRST US draft was during the US Civil War (1861-1865). The LAST US draft was during the Vietnam War (1961-1975).

Controversial issues DURING the Civil War?

During the Civil War, the loss of life was a major issue as was the cost of the war. Another controversy involved the forced conscription of soldiers.

What is another word for the draft of the American Civil War?

Conscription is another term for the military draft.

What began during the civil war as a way to obtain soldiers?

Conscription ~ see related link below .

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The Conscription Act brought on the New York City Draft Riots of 1863.