A military school is a private school which emphasizes military style training and discipline. In general these are designed to prepare students for college if not a career in the military. A boot camp is a place where new military recruits receive their basic military training. However the term is often used to denote programs where wayward youths are sent in an attempt to change their behavior with strict discipline.
NAV stands for Net Asset Value, that is the net assets that a fund has, while NAV history is the evolution of NAV over time.
hello Young lady/man was your mum nice? how did you enjoy the journey? Are you looking forward to your new home? Welcome to the village , what looks like your favourite thing so far ? Did you see interesting sights on the way here? Are you scared about leaving mum? Do you miss your dad? Whats your name? Where do you live? Whats your favourite colour? What school did you go to? What differences have you found between the city and the country so far? which do think is more peaceful the country or the city? How old are you? Do you have any siblings?
Smelly socks XD
well a nurse was a nurse and a Tommy was a Tommy A Tommy was a British soldier. The origins of the nickname Tommy are a lost in the mists of time. Tommy Atkins was a term used for British soldiers as early as 1745 although in 1815 the name Tommy Atkins was used in a war office publication to show how a soldier's pay book should be filled out. Nurse was not a nickname, unlike Tommy.
the confederate states of America
The quality of education received in an online school versus a regular school is remarkably similar now. The main difference is in opportunities for social growth and interaction.
what's the difference between rival and copetitor?
whats the difference between cost and list?
what is difference between accounts and engineering
Whats the difference between maths lit and pure maths
There is a difference
There are no difference between them they are the same thing.
The difference between 309 and 132 is 177 numbers.
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whats the difference between midAtlantic and new England