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On March 11 Lincoln demoted McClellan by removing him from the position of commanding general. He named no replacement; he and Stanton would perform the commanding generals duties.

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Q: When Lincoln demoted McClellan he did not name a replacement but instead he and whom performed the commanding general's duties?
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I can give a partial answer. The Union Army in the East had the following Commanding Generals- Winfield Scott,Irwin McDowell,George McClellan,John Pope,George McClellan(again),Ambrose Burnside,Joseph Hooker,George Meade,and Ulysses Grant. Of the several other Union Armies in the West I am ignorant as to their Commanding Generals.

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The Generals-in-Chief were, in sequence, Winfield Scott, George McClellan, Henry Halleck, Ulysses Grant.

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The Battle of Antietam, an important battle of the Civiil War, was fought by the Army of the Potomac, part of the Union Army, under the command of General George McClellan, and Confederate forces under the command of General Robert E. Lee on September 17, 1862.

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Its was John Adams

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These are major Generals Union: Generals Pope, McClellan, Burnside, Thomas, Grant Confederacy: General Lee

Did George McClellan have any advice for other generals?

shot no

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Who commanded the Union army?

Command of all US armies changed hands a few times during the war. From McClellan to Helleck to McClellan to Meade to Grant. For the Union's premier army, the Army of the Potomac, it had multiple commanders. Once again US President Lincoln seemed to do a poor job in selection commanding generals.

Who were generals in American Civil War?

These are major Generals Union: Generals Pope, McClellan, Burnside, Thomas, Grant Confederacy: General Lee

Key generals involved in the Antietam?

George McClellan, commanding Union Army of the Potomac. Ambrose Burnside Joseph Hooker Edwin Sumner Abner Doubleday Albert Pleasonton Robert E Lee, commanding Army of Northern Virginia. Stonewall Jackson James Longstreet AP Hill Jeb Stuart DH Hill

How did George B McClellan deal with the confederate states?

George b McClellan was a Union general. All the generals do is command their troops.