Basically because they had to.
On November 11, 1918, in Compiegne, France, allied and German representatives met in a railroad car to sign the armistice. The document officially went into effect at 11:00A.M., the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
The Germans didn't like the idea of an armistice, but knew it was needed. The allies were likely to take a more conciliatory approach when compared to the likes of Georges Clemenceau and Lloyd George.
It is called Armistice Day. A celebration of the Armistice signed to cease fighting, marking the end of World War I.
German Armistice Commission was created in 1940.
Basically because they had to.
An abusive term for those German politicians who had signed the armistice to end the First World War
The Spanish signed an armistice to end the Spanish-American War.
Armistice .
The Saturday Night Armistice ended on 1999-01-01.
The German Government sought an armistice, or agreement to end fighting, with the allies.
An armistice is a truce or a ceasefire allowing for peace talks or discussions. Armistice Day is the anniversary of the official end of World War I, November 11, 1918, when German high command capitulated to Allied forces at Compiègne, France.
The Armistice was signed in a train car. Since train cars move, the exact location may be unknown, but it was presumably near to the Franco-German border.
october 4, 1918
An end to the fighting.
A ceasefire - an agreement to end fighting