In the early morning of April 6th, 1862, the rebels sprang on Grant's sleepy camp. This began the Battle of Shiloh, in which the Union Army gained greater control of the Mississippi River Valley. During the bloody two day battle, each side (Union, and Confederate) each gained and lost land...
There was a church called Shiloh near the battle feild. Shiloh means place of peace in Hebrew.
The Battle of Shiloh, took place April 6-7, 1862.
because the people wanted there own states and all blacks wanted the rights as that of the white people.
it takes place in 1589
The Battle Of Shiloh took place on April 6-7 of 1862.
The Battle of Shiloh, also called the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, occurred in Southwestern Tennessee, in Hardin County.
It took place in Pittsburg, Tennessee. The time was April 6, 1862.
There was a church called Shiloh near the battle feild. Shiloh means place of peace in Hebrew.
The South - on the Tennessee river.
shiloh creek NEW RESPONDENT The Battle of Shiloh took place on the west side of the River Tennessee, close to Pittsburg Landing, near the border of Mississippi.
It took place in Pittsburg, Tennessee. The time was April 6, 1862.
The Battle of Shiloh, took place April 6-7, 1862.
"The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" is a short story that takes place during the American Civil War at the Battle of Shiloh, which occurred in Tennessee in April 1862.
It was at Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River, near Corinth. Shiloh was the name of a little church nearby.
Hardin County. (might have spelled that wrong)