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Q: When did they take us troops into disputed border region?
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What region did allied troops take first after securing north America?

Improper question. North America was already secure. You must mean north Africa.

What action did president Polk take that resulted in the war between the US and New Mexico?

He sent General Zachary Taylor to claim an area of disputed land for the United States.

What region did Allied troops take first after securing northern Africa?

In Europe, Sicily, a large Italian island.

What area is disputed by Israel and Syria?

The disputed territory is a de jure Syrian territory under de facto Israeli Occupation and Civil Administration: the Golan Heights. The Golan Heights are a Syrian Mountain Range and hill-country just north of western Jordan. This territory is small, but strategic, giving Israel a position where Syria cannot take military advantage of it. Currently, UNDOF monitors the border between the Golan Heights and Syria.

At what point did Hitler conclude that he could take any territory without being stopped?

In 1936, Germany had political control of Rhineland but according to the terms of Versailles they were not permitted to have any troops in the region. Hitler chose to defy the terms and moved troops into the area. The British did not respond, nor did France. Hitler concluded at this point, that no-one would oppose his take-overs.

Can you take pets across the American border?

Yes you can take pets across the border as long as you bring a certificate of vaccination.

Why do you think Nixon decided to take US troops out of Vietnam?

So Some Of The Troops Would Not Die

How do you get to Baja California?

You could take a flight into Tijuana, Mexicali, La Paz or Los Cabos (the most important cities on the region) or you could drive from the US-Mexico border at San Diego, California into Mexico.

How long does it take to drive from Massachusetts to Canada?

The shortest distance from border to border is 340 miles.

What is the shortest state to drive through from border to border?

Rhode Island, since it is the smallest state, would take the shortest distance from border to border (at complete opposite ends).

How long does it take to drive from Chilliwack to Bellingham?

This depends on how long you have to wait at the border. With a minimal border wait you it will generally take 35-45 minutes.

What region does Pokemon White take place?

The UNOVA Region