There were high death tolls in World War 2 many due to infections,so the discovery of antibiotics reduced death.
i dont know ?!?! There is a chart on Wikipida somewere my friend got tons of them from there
she was born in 1935
It made him VERY unpopular among the Russian people, with high death tolls, if he was not already (having lost the Russo-Japanese War already). This inevitably ended with the Bolshevik revolution (communist) and his abdication (1917), then in 1918 him and his family were shot in their basement.
John Donne - allusion to death from meditation 17
yes. death tolls are unconfirmed.
Nelly Sachs was born on December 10, 1891 and died on May 12, 1970. Nelly Sachs would have been 78 years old at the time of death or 123 years old today.
"any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."This is from Meditation #17 by John Donne and quoted most famously in Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls. Basically this is about the interconnectedness of mankind. When any person dies, it makes me lesser because I am connected to all others. Therefore, one should never wonder for whom the (funeral) bell tolls. Any death is your own death, so the bell is tolling for you.
Aunt Nelly is a minor character in the "Chronicles of Vladimir Tod" series by Heather Brewer. She is Vladimir's human aunt who takes care of him after his parents' death. Aunt Nelly is a supportive and caring figure in Vladimir's life.
There are people who search for survivors, and they tally up the casualties after a disaster.
Nelly's real name is Nelly Furtado, Nelly is a singer.
Hurricane hunters are not responsible for recording the death tolls of hurricanes. They are only responsible for taking measurements of the storms themselves. Death tolls done simply by counting the bodies. Totals are released by the governments of the cummunities, states, and countires affected. Sometimes, in cases of extremely deadly storms, death tolls are estimated as some deaths may not be directly related to the storm, are never formally documented, or the bodies are never recovered.
Naruto is a ninja and, just like his fellow shinobi, the death tolls are great are only about to get higher.
There were high death tolls in World War 2 many due to infections,so the discovery of antibiotics reduced death.
The people sadly at the beginning of the war loved it, there were carnivals and partys, the allies were of to beat the germans....only when the death tolls started coming in did people slowly start to change