Fort Enet was created in 1810.
Fort Huachuca was created in 1877.
Nathaniel Jarvis Wyeth in 1834
Warford Hall was created in 1867.
It's a little more complicated than that. Fort Sumter sits in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. After the election of Abraham Lincoln, South Carolina seceded from the Union (the first to do so) and with six other states, created the Confederate States of America. Lincoln declared secession to be legally void, and maintained possession of federal property. Fort Sumter was a US fort; as such, it was a federal property. It was also inside the Confederacy. At the time that the "first battle of the Civil War" occurred at Fort Sumter, the fort was a "Union fort". The fort surrendered, however, and was held by the Confederacy throughout the duration of the war.
fort laramie fort leavenworth fort bridger fort boise fort hall and more
the blue moountains are before fort haall
Moore's Fort was created in 1828.
Fort Hall was a trading post established in 1834 by Nathaniel Wyeth, on the Snake River near Pocatello. It was the main stoping point on the Oregon Trail. It was destroyed by floods in 1862 and 1864 and rebuilt. The population of Fort Hall according to the 2000 census is 3,193.
Fort Malden was created in 1937.
Fort Stanwix was created in 1758.
RPC Fort was created in 1991.
Fort Rosalie was created in 1716.
Fort Shafter was created in 1907.
Fort Gibson was created in 1824.
Fort Belan was created in 1775.
Fort-Liberté was created in 1578.