The Bush Plane was invented by: DeHavilland Beaver
Well, of course not. The first plane was invented in the early 1900's by two young men. The first jet plane though was not invented until mid 1900's. In the 1600s they used their feet to get around, or their bikes.
Oh, dude, you're asking about the bombing plane? That's like asking who invented the wheel! The first bombing planes were developed during World War I, and a bunch of different countries were trying to outdo each other with their flying explosives. So, like, there's no one person you can point to and say, "Yep, they're the mastermind behind the bombing plane." It was more like a group effort in the chaos of war.
The first operational fighter plane was the Vickers F.B 5 "Gun Bus".
They cave men invented them and we don't really know. The first weapon invented was an ulu. The first weapon discovered was the spear.
no one knows
abraham kamen
Where invented the first plane?
Train was invented first.
Yes they invented and flew the first plane.
The car
CBRNE Attack
Air plane attack in modern warfare
Abraham Karem
1904 is incorrect. The Wright Brothers invented the first airplane in 1903.