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I am pretty sure that there are websites that will give you tons of information on military flag etiquette. I think there may even be a few books about how to display military flags.

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Q: Where can I find military flag etiquette?
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Do you fly the flag in the rain?

You can but it's not good for the flag. The unofficial flag etiquette says that flags should not be flown in the rain.

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No flag can be flown the American flag when on American soil.

A military or diplomatic code of etiquette is called?

Military Customs and Courtesy . Diplomatic Protocol.

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white, green, red: unity, courage, prosperity

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There are many rules of etiquette about displaying and replacing the flag. To replace and old US flag it should be disposed of by burning.

How do you fly military and us flags?

When flying both the American and a Military Branch flag together you will always have the American Flag above the Military Flag.

What must be done to a flag if its flown at night?

If a flag is flown at night, it must be illuminated by a light. This is to ensure that the flag remains visible and in compliance with proper flag etiquette.

Why should a country's flag not fly after dark?

A country's flag should not fly after dark as a sign of respect and to adhere to proper flag etiquette. It is a tradition to lower the flag at sunset to honor the end of the day. Flying the flag at night without proper lighting can be seen as disrespectful.

What does a military flag look like?

A military flag is a typical rectangle flag. Each branch of the service has their own flag, so get the right one. Contact your local Am-Vets or nearest military organization for more information.

What is military etiquette?

Military etiquette refers to the set of rules and customs that govern behavior and conduct in the military. It includes respecting ranks and chains of command, observing proper saluting, using proper forms of address, maintaining a clean and professional appearance, and displaying proper courtesy and respect towards superiors and fellow military personnel. Following military etiquette is important for maintaining discipline, cohesion, and professionalism within the military.

What was the etiquette for wearing the US flag on the right sleeve during World War 2?

It was for identification and it was worn on that side so that people facing it would be proper diplay of flag