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Q: Where could you find a World War 2 101st Airborne Division 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment Easy Company roster complete with ranks and date of rank?
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Easy Company had an insignia on their helmet a white spade what does it stand for?

The White Spade stood for the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment. A tactical marking to assist in the assembly of troops on the D.Z. Each unit in the 101st Airborne Division had a tactical marking on the side of it's helmet. Richard V. Horrell WW 2 This was the symbol for the 506th PIR-parachute infantry Regiment.

How was the 101st organized?

I can't tell the 101st division was formed, but I can tell you,it was a great outfit,you could see the, 101st shoulder patch,just about every where (EUROPE and next the Pacific) I was NAVY ,but I saw a lot of the 101st,especially the air born division; I felt very proud of them! Flyboy752 GeorgeI cant tell you how they were formed but I can tell you that they were first used, in great numbers, on D-Day. They were sent by the thousands, they got scrambled on the ground and they went with other divisions or squads and they sometimes formed their own squad. I cant answer the question but I do nknow that the 101'st airborne was very prosperous during WW2, and very helpful during D-Day. Im sorry I cant answer it, I would keep asking.See for info.See also www.101airborneww2.comSee the official WWII unit history booklet at for a good summary.The Airborne Division was a light infantry division. Thus it had fewer companies and not as many support units. The typical Infantry Regiment of a DIVISION consisted of 3 battalions that contained 4 companies each, with one being a heavy weapons company. Then in addition, it had a Cannon company and a Anti-Tank Company.The Parachute Infantry Regiment contained 3 battalions of 3 companies each.Here is a order of battle for the 101st Airborne Divsion.502d Parachute Infantry Regiment506th Parachute Infantry Regiment[assigned in 1 Mar 45 reorganization]327th Glider Infantry Regiment401st Glider Infantry Regiment [disbanded in 1 Mar 45 reorganization]SUPPORT units101st Parachute Maintenance Battalion326th Airborne Engineer Battalion326th Airborne Medical Company81st Airborne Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion101st Airborne Division Artillery321st Glider Field Artillery Battalion377th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion463d Parachute Field Artillery Battalion [assigned in 1 Mar 45 reorganization]907th Glider Field Artillery BattalionSpecial Troops801st Ordnance Company426th Quartermaster Company101st Signal CompanyMilitary Police PlatoonHeadquarters CompanyReconnaissance PlatoonBand [assigned in 1 Mar 45 reorganization]Reference Link

How many American troops were gathered for Operation Olympic at Kyushu on Novemeber 1 1945?

The order of battle of invasion troops for OLYMPIC/MAJESTIC were 14 Divisions: 10 Army Infantry, 1 Airborne and 3 USMC equal 450,000 combat and support troops staged at Okinawa.United States U.S. Sixth Army Yakushima and Koshikijima Islands - 40th Infantry Division (22,000 men)Tanegashima - 158th Infantry Regiment (7,600 men)Miyazaki - U.S. I Corps (95,000 men): 25th Infantry Division, 33d Infantry Division, 41st Infantry DivisionAriake - U.S. XI Corps (113,000 men): 1st Cavalry Division, 43d Infantry Division, Americal Division, 112th Cavalry RegimentKushikino - U.S. V Amphib Corps (99,000 men): 2nd Marine Div., 3d Marine Division, 5th Marine Division6th Army reserves - U.S. IX Corps (79,000 men): 77th Infantry Division, 81st Infantry Division, 98th Infantry Division;11th Airborne Division (15,000 men)

What were the different US Parachute Regiment in World War 2?

The US had five airborne divisions in WWII. The Table of Organization changed drastically one time. See the related link below for the component elements of each of these five divisions, both before and after the change. The Parachute Infantry Regiments which were part of each division are listed on this table. You might note that WWII Airborne divisions included Glider Infantry regiments, who had a very raw deal. They crash-landed into combat with a guy who washed out from powered flight training at the controls, in a plywood glider. Many died on impact. No jump pay, no fancy jump boots or bloused trousers, no shiny wings for the chest (eventually they did get an insignia just for glidermen - instead of two wings it had only one, so it looked like the other had been broken off). The 517th Parachute Infantry was an "independent" regiment for most of the war, meaning it was not a part of an airborne division for most of its action. The 509th Parachute Battalion was also an "independent" battalion, and the only independent paratrooper battalion the US had in WWII. Both these units gave valuable service in the Mediterranean, and later in France and Germany. These units, along with the remnants of the First Special Service Force ("The Devil's Brigade") made up a "Provisional Airborne Division" (though there were only about seven battalions to this group; not quite division strength) which was the airborne component of the Operation Dragoon "Second D-Day" landings in southern France, August 15, 1944.

What is the difference between the 101st Airbourne and the 82nd airbourne?

Nothing really. Both were US paratrooper divisions used during WW2. The paratrooper division the same in their size and the type of equipment they used. But they were not the same as the typical US Infantry Division. The units within the 101st and 82nd were different of course. The paratrooper regiments were numbered 501 PIR, 502 PIR, 506 PIR and 508 PIR, etc where PIR means Parachute Infantry Regiment. They each had paratrooper artillery battalions and engineer battalions. The units saw combat in different areas. Early in the war, some of their Regiments were used individually and some where changed for other regiments. Their history and traditions are different. The 101st Airborne was created in WW2. But the 82nd "American Airborne" Division dates back to the 82nd "All-American" Infantry Division that saw service in France in WW1. The 101st Division evolved into a helicopter assault unit and no longer parachuted into combat. The 82nd Division remained a airborne unit.

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Where did most of the paratroopers come from who fought in the battle of the bulge?

325th glider regiment, 101st Airborne...................

Were African-Americans part of the airborne parachute regiments?

I believe African troops did not engage in parachute activities until after WW2. The first all African unit was the 555th Parachute Regiment of the 82d Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, N.C.

Easy Company had an insignia on their helmet a white spade what does it stand for?

The White Spade stood for the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment. A tactical marking to assist in the assembly of troops on the D.Z. Each unit in the 101st Airborne Division had a tactical marking on the side of it's helmet. Richard V. Horrell WW 2 This was the symbol for the 506th PIR-parachute infantry Regiment.

Was there a specific division that had painted the spade on their helmets and what was the significance of that?

Yes, the 101st Airborne Division during World War II painted the spade symbol on their helmets as a tribute to the playing card symbol "Death Card" associated with the division's unofficial motto "Take No Prisoners." It was meant to strike fear in enemy troops and boost the division's reputation as fierce and ruthless fighters.

What was the first Parachute Infantry Regiment to see combat in World War 2?

The 505th Parachute Infantry REGIMENT was the first P.I.R. to see combat in the ETO during WW 2. The first US Parachute Infantry Unit to see action in the ETO was the 509th Parachute Infantry BATTALION. Richard V. Horrell WW 2

How was the 101st organized?

I can't tell the 101st division was formed, but I can tell you,it was a great outfit,you could see the, 101st shoulder patch,just about every where (EUROPE and next the Pacific) I was NAVY ,but I saw a lot of the 101st,especially the air born division; I felt very proud of them! Flyboy752 GeorgeI cant tell you how they were formed but I can tell you that they were first used, in great numbers, on D-Day. They were sent by the thousands, they got scrambled on the ground and they went with other divisions or squads and they sometimes formed their own squad. I cant answer the question but I do nknow that the 101'st airborne was very prosperous during WW2, and very helpful during D-Day. Im sorry I cant answer it, I would keep asking.See for info.See also www.101airborneww2.comSee the official WWII unit history booklet at for a good summary.The Airborne Division was a light infantry division. Thus it had fewer companies and not as many support units. The typical Infantry Regiment of a DIVISION consisted of 3 battalions that contained 4 companies each, with one being a heavy weapons company. Then in addition, it had a Cannon company and a Anti-Tank Company.The Parachute Infantry Regiment contained 3 battalions of 3 companies each.Here is a order of battle for the 101st Airborne Divsion.502d Parachute Infantry Regiment506th Parachute Infantry Regiment[assigned in 1 Mar 45 reorganization]327th Glider Infantry Regiment401st Glider Infantry Regiment [disbanded in 1 Mar 45 reorganization]SUPPORT units101st Parachute Maintenance Battalion326th Airborne Engineer Battalion326th Airborne Medical Company81st Airborne Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion101st Airborne Division Artillery321st Glider Field Artillery Battalion377th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion463d Parachute Field Artillery Battalion [assigned in 1 Mar 45 reorganization]907th Glider Field Artillery BattalionSpecial Troops801st Ordnance Company426th Quartermaster Company101st Signal CompanyMilitary Police PlatoonHeadquarters CompanyReconnaissance PlatoonBand [assigned in 1 Mar 45 reorganization]Reference Link

Where does utrinque paratus come from for the parachute regiment motto?

The phrase "Utrinque Paratus" is Latin for "Ready for Anything" and is the motto of the Parachute Regiment of the British Army. It emphasizes the regiment's preparedness and versatility in facing any challenge or situation. The motto reflects the regiment's elite status and its role as a highly trained and adaptable airborne infantry force.

What does PIR stand for in Band of brothers by Stephen ambrose?

Parachute Infantry Regiment.

Is the us army third infantry regiment assigned to a division?

Not in WW2. Before 1939, each US Army Infantry Division had 4 infantry regiments. This proved to be too large for use on the battlefield. So the size the division was reduced and one regiment was removed. So the 3rd Infantry Regiment could have been part of a Division before then. However, during WW2 the 3rd Infantry Regiment was not part of an infantry division. Source:

What were the names of the two paratrooper divisions in world war 2?

The 82nd Airborne Division and the 101st Airborne Division .

Which division did Audie Murphey belong to?

15th Infantry regiment, 3rd Infantry Division (US Army) and 36th Infantry Division (Texas National Guard)

What has the author Harris T Mitchell written?

Harris T. Mitchell has written: 'The story of the first airborne battalion' -- subject(s): History, Parachute troops, United States, United States. Army, United States. Army. Parachute Infantry Regiment, 501st