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Q: Where did anglos capture Mexico soldiers and declare the bear flag republic in 1846?
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When did US soldiers capture Mexico City?

The Battle for Mexico City ended on 15 September 1847.

What did Texas become when it declare its independence from Mexico?

It became The Lonestar Republic It was the Republic of Texas from 1836 until 1846 when it was admitted to the Union.

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Mexico City.

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Who did Texas declare its independence?

From Mexico.

Why is Mexico called a republic instead of a country?

Mexico is a country AND a republic. Republic is just the form of government it has.

Is Mexico democratic or republic?

Mexico is more democratic then it is republican. It is a republic though.

General John J Pershing led a force of fifteen thousand soldiers into Mexico in an attempt to capture what infamous figure?

Francisco 'Pancho' Villa, scourge of Columbus.

Is federal republic government of Mexico?

Yes. Mexico is a federal presidential representative republic.

What title does Mexico hold?

President of the republic (Mexico is a federal presidential representative republic).