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The traditional answer is 'to the suburbs', but they were already there anyway!

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Q: Where did middle class Americans move after World War 2?
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What is the term given for when middle class African Americans move out of their city neighborhoods?

Black flight

What invention allowed many Americans of the growing middle class to move?

The steamboat was invented by Robert Fulton to help Americans move across water and other landforms.

Where did the middle class begin to move in the 1950's?

the middle class moved from the cities to new suburban developments.

Why did the middle class move to the suburbs?

The middle class moved to the suburbs post-World War II due to factors like the availability of affordable housing, desire for more space and privacy, better schools, and access to amenities like parks and shopping centers. Suburban living also offered a perceived escape from the congestion and pollution of urban areas.

Why do some Americans move to the Middle East?

Some Americans move to the Middle East because they are really tired of liberals ruining their life. Yet, they want to find a place where they would hold on strongly with their religious beliefs.

Was it easy to move from one social class to another in the middle ages?

no it wasn't easy. but it was easier for the Early Moderns (the TUdors etc. ) to move from one class to the other!

How is a stapler a lever?

A stapler is designed in such a way that it can be used with power at the middle or work at the middle. Mostly it is used with power at the middle; in this case it is class 3. If the power is applied at the end it is class 2.

Why did colonists move to the new world in the middle colonies?

to colonized

What new class developed during the High Middle Ages?

The middle class developed in the middle ages and was formed out of baker, merchants and trades people who were allowed to own their own land. They operated businesses that sold to the peasants and were free to move around.

What keeps working class people in the working class?

The major reason that working class and middle class workers remain in these categories is because they are comfortable at that level. In the US there are many opportunities for someone that has a desire to move to a more affluent level. They also might not have the education that provides them with the tools to move up a class.

How did a move toward mercantilism strengthen royal power?

By ensuring more economic prosperity for merchants and the middle class.

Why staplers are second class levers?

It is not. A stapler is a third class lever. Simply because the the effort is in the middle. The fulcrum is the screw that allows it to move, the resistance is the staple wire that needs to press, and the effort came from your hand that is pressing the stapler - which is in the middle.