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It comes from the term houfnice for a cannon used in the 15th century by Hussites, which in turn comes from the German word "Haufen", which was a formation of pikemen, against which the cannon was especially lethal. The word houfnice later crossed into German as Haubitze, and in Dutch as houwitser, from which the English word howitzer is derived.

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Related questions

What does a Howitzer look like?

A large cannon fired at a high angle. See the related link to the M198 155mm towed howitzer and the M109A self propelled howitzer.

What is the range of a Howitzer?

howitzer is a class of gun with many different variants you need to be more specific. but the max range of a M777 howitzer is 30.1 km (rap assisted).

What is the synonym of cannon?

mortar, howitzer

When was the howitzer made?

howitzers were made in the early 17th century

Is howitzer capitalized?

Yes, "Howitzer" is generally capitalized. It is a proper noun and refers to a specific type of artillery cannon.

Where did the term pack howitzer originate?

A pack howitzer, or more properly, a howitzer, pack is a piece of towed artillery which can, if necessary, be broken down into pieces small enough to be man/team carried if terrain becomes too rough for towing vehicles.

Who invented the Krupp 420mm howitzer?


Where there howitzer in the Civil War?

howitzer artillery peices were not used in the civil war they actually started production in 1963 so no they werent in the civil war

What is a cannon with short or medium barrels with a low muzzle and steep angle or fire called?

A mortar. Actually, it's a Howitzer. Mortars are not a form of cannon.

How does howitzer work?

A howitzer is a type of artillery weapon that combines both long-range and high-angle firing capabilities. It fires shells at a high trajectory to reach targets behind cover or in trenches. The howitzer's barrel can be adjusted to different angles to vary the range and trajectory of the shell.

In terms of caliber what was the largest Field Piece ever actually used in action in a war Was the RA British l8 Inch Howitzer ever used for action?

AnswerThe British 8-Inch Howitzer fired a round that was 8-in Caliber (or 203mm) and weighed 200-lb.The US Army used an 8-inch Gun and a 240mm Howitzer, which were similar and were actually considered Field Artillery. They had to be assembled to fire. The 240mm Howitzer fired a shell that weighed 360 lbs.Typo-- I don't think there was a British 18-inch Howitzer, except maybe on a navy battleship.

What is another word for cannon?

Heavy artillery. Howitzer, mortar