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Q: Where two nuclear bombs ever detonated next to each other?
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What is a nuclear exchange?

A nuclear exchange refers to a situation where two or more countries or parties engage in a conflict by using nuclear weapons against each other. It describes the scenario where nuclear weapons are detonated, leading to catastrophic destruction and loss of life.

How many nuclear bombs does the sun release each second?

Without knowing the yield of your hypothetical nuclear bombs it is not possible to answer this question. Please clarify.

How many nuclear bombs are there in 18.5 Gigatonnes?

You'd have to know the yield of each bomb to determine the number of bombs...

How many nuclear bombs did the US and Russia have each?

America has roughly 10000 nuclear warheads and russia has anywhere from 5200-8800

Which two countries almost let nuclear bombs on each other?

Either Russia and the US in the cold war or India and Pakistan in a standoff in 2001-2002

How do nuclear weapons prevent wars?

Today, if any country decided to send a missile over to our country, we would know via satellite that they had fired (in a matter of mere seconds). By knowing they are sending a nuclear bomb to our country, we would fire one them. This would mean a nuclear fallout; our bombs are at least thirty times stronger than the bombs released at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. This keeps any country from using nuclear weapons on each other for fear of nuclear fallout.

Do nuclear bombs use nuclear fusion or fission?

Nuclear bombs use either nuclear fission or a combination of both fission and fusion reactions. Fission bombs rely on the splitting (fission) of heavy atomic nuclei like uranium or plutonium, while fusion bombs combine lighter atomic nuclei like hydrogen isotopes to release energy through nuclear fusion reactions.

Why does President Truman authorize work on the Hydrogen bomb?

The Soviet Union was working on nuclear weapons and a weapons race begun. They were terrified of each other.

What were names of some of the bombs in World War 2?

Well the only two worth remembering are the atomic bombs Fatman and Littleboy. Each bomb was dropped in Japan which hit Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Each bomb killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens and soldiers. Japan shortly surrendered after that.

What is a nuclear war?

A war where countries fight each other with nuclear weapons.

How many nuclear bombs make a megaton of tnt?

A nuclear bomb can be made with any desired yield from about 10 tons to well over 50 megatons in one single bomb. These numbers are just for tested devices that worked, there is no theoretical upper limit on the yield of fusion based bombs.

How did the countries threaten each other during the cold war?

They threatened each other with Nuclear War.