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Petersburg - June 1864 to April 1865.

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Q: Where was the longest siege of war in the civil war?
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How long was the longest battle of the US Civil War?

The siege of Petersburg lasted nine months.

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the One hundred years war

What were the Biggest battles of Civil war?

The biggest battle of the American Civil War was the batlle at gettysburg.

Last major battle of Civil war?

Siege of Petersburg

What battle was a turning point in the US Civil War?

The turning point was not a battle but a siege, the Siege of Vicksburg.

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Why is the battle of gettysburg the turning point of the civil war?

It is really the Siege of Vicksburg.

1st battle of am civil war?

The siege of Fort Sumter, South Carolina

What was the monument for the US Civil War's Siege of Petersburg?

The monument for the Siege of Petersburg in the Civil War is located at 'The Crater' at the Petersburg National Battlefield. The monument is in the design of a stone podium with inscriptions on the top face and on the front side.

Who first laid siege to the fort in the civil war?

ANSWER The Confederate forces laid first siege to Fort Sumter, starting the conflict.