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France has the tricolor flag.

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Q: Where was tricolour adopted as national flag?
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When was Canada's flag created?

The national flag of Canada, known as the maple leaf was adopted in 1965.

What is some of the history behind the Cuban Flag?

Some of the history behind the Cuban national flag is that it was adopted in 1848. The flag emerged when Cuba was trying to break free from Spanish rule.

When was the Chile flag adopted?

ChileThe Chile flag was adopted in 1817 October 18th

How did the confederate flag look during the civil war?

There were 3 different National Flags. The national flag is the flag that symbolizes the country. It was not the "rebel flag" that you see on back of pick-ups. This "rebel flag" is known as the Confederate Battle Flag as it was issued to the regiments. Each regiment would carry a Battle Flag and a National Flag.The first official flag of the Confederacy, or First National Flag or also called the "Stars and Bars," was flown from March 5, 1861, to May 26, 1863. This flag had a field of 3 stripes: RED, WhITE, RED. In the upper corner was a BLUE Field with 13 white stars in a circle. The problem was that from a distance this flag was mistaken for the US "Stars and STripes. So they changed it.The Second National Flag of the Confederacy, called the "Stainless Banner," was put into service on May 1, 1863. This flag was an all WHITE flag with the upper corner having a small version of the Battle Flag. The problem with it was that it looked like a white surrender flag.The Third National Flag was adopted March 4, 1865, just before the fall of the Confederacy. It was just like the Second National Flag but a wide, vertical RED stripe was added to the outter edge(away from the flag staff).Confederate Battle FlagThe Battle Flag was the RED flag with a BLUE "X" trimmed in WHITE and having 13 Stars in the "X". This flag was used by many regiments, but NOT by all of them. Many states adopted a flag similar to their State's flag. Examples are Texas and South Carolina. Then some Army commanders would design a flag that was adopted by all the regiments under his command. This was true of General Bragg's Army of the Tennessee and General Polk. However, in 1863, most flags had been replaced by the Battle Flag, as many had new flags issued to them. This flag has been adopted by the Klu Klux Klan and many hate groups. It has been seen on many modern battlefields where Southerners painted or displayed it on their tanks, airplanes or jets.

When was el salvadors flag adopted?


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Who designd Indian flag .?

The Indian national flag was designed in 1916 by Pingali Venkayya from Machilipatnam. The tricolour flag designedby him, with a charkha in the centre was adopted by the Congress committee in 1931 at Karachi

Who designe the Indian national flag?

The Indian national flag was designed in 1916 by Pingali Venkayya from Machilipatnam. The tricolour flag designed by him, with a charkha in the centre was adopted by the Congress committee in 1931 at Karachi.On July 22, 1947, during an ad hoc meeting of the Constituent Assembly, it was approved as the National Flag of India with suitable modifications, wherein the Ashok Chakra was adopted in place of the charkha.

What country Oldest tricolour flag in the world?

The Dutch tricolour flag is the oldest tricolour flag still in use.

What does the Irish national flag look like?

the Irish flag is a vertical tricolour of green, white and orange

Who is the Indian National Flag designer?

The Indian national flag was designed in 1916 by Pingali Venkayya from Machilipatnam. The tricolour flag designed by him, with a charkha in the centre was adopted by the Congress committee in 1931 at Karachi.On July 22, 1947, during an ad hoc meeting of the Constituent Assembly, it was approved as the National Flag of India with suitable modifications, wherein the Ashok Chakra was adopted in place of the charkha.

What is other the name of national flag of India some times referred as?

The Indian flag is known as Triranga in hindi.

National flag of France?

it is called the tricolour comprised of horizontal bands of red blue and white

Name for the national flag of India?

it is commonly known as tricolour,if you say tiranga it is the same thing

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The national flag of Romania, the vertical tricolour of blue, yellow, and red.---------A flag is not a mascot; Romania hasn't an official mascot.

When was the state flag of New York adopted?

1788It was adopted as the national flag in 1778.

When was the flag adopted in Paris?

The French flag was adopted officially by the Convention as the national flag on Feb. 15, 1794.

When Was The Polish Flag Made?

White and red were officially adopted as national colors in 1831. The national flag was officially adopted in 1919.