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Q: Where were the radar bases in Britain?
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What was a radar in battle of Britain World War 2 used for?

radar is an object detectotion system

What states are radar detectors illegal?

Virginia & Washington dc. Military bases.

Who took the lead in using radar for military purposes?

While every country had radar, Great Britain was the leader in using radar technology, especially for military purposes.

Who created the radar?

Radar stands for Radio Detection And Ranging. Radar was originally called RDF (Radio Direction Finder) in Britain. A number of nations including USA, France, Britain, Germany and USSR were working on forms of radar prior to WWII, however the British were the first to put a working system into operation.

What two things saved great Britain from defeat in the battle of Britain?

Radar and the courage of the RAF pilots.

How did Britain use radar to defeat Hitler?

Hitler commit sucide.


Technology that helped Britain's Royal Air Force combat the German luftwaffe starting in the Battle of Britain

The british knew in sdvance where ferman bombees were because they had?

During the Battle of Britain, British radar was able to detect and locate the position of German bombers. Radar was a brand new technology at the time.

What machine were used in battle of Britain?

The Battle of Britain was an air battle, so mainly aircraft, radar and anti-aircraft guns.

What were 3 advantages the british had in the battle of Britain?

radar, enigma, and superior number of aricraft