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Sir, request permission to retire the colors

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Q: Which command is given by the color sergeant while retiring the colors upon reporting to the host?
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Which command is given by the colors sergeant while retiring the colors upon reporting to the host?

Sir, request permission to retire the colors

What command is given by color sergeant while retiring the colors upon reporting to the host?

Sir, request permission to retire the colors

What command is given by the color sergeant while retiring the colors upon reporting to the host?

Sir, request permission to retire the colors

Who carries the colors and command the color guard?

Senior (colors) Sergeant

When uncasing the colors with the commander present who directs unease the colors?

The command sergeant major then directs UNCASE THE COLORS. The Color bearers lower the Colors (same as present guidon). The two guards move forward and untie and unease the Colors.

Who carries the national colors and commands the colors guard?

Senior (colors) Sergeant

Who carries the color national colors and commands the color guard?

Senior (colors) Sergeant

When uncasing the colors the command present who directs uncase the colors?


When uncasing the colors with the command present who direct uncase the colors?


When uncasing the colors with command present who directs uncase the colors?


When uncasing the colors with the command present who direct Uncased the colors?


Who carries the national colors and commands the color guard?

The ranking officer of that detail who assigns individuals to carry the colors.