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No Concentration Camps were liberated by the Red Army on the 29th of April 1945,

But Dachau Concentration Camp was surrendered by SS-Sturmscharfuhrer

Heinrich Wicker to the commander of the US 42nd Division.

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Q: Which concentration camp was liberated by the red army on April 29 1945?
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When were the prisoners in Germany liberated in World War 2?

well it depends on which camp your talking about.. most were liberated in 1944-1945 by the allies (group of countries against Germany led by united states, great Britain and soviet union). Some of the extermination camps - Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec were destroyed by the Nazis in 1943. In those cases there was nobody left to liberate.

Who were the liberators in the holocaust?

These are only some that I have right now.September 1944 Camp Vught was liberated by the 4th Canadian Armored Division and the 96th-Battery of the 5th Anti-Tank Division.This is wrong there were no Canadians in Vught on October 27th 1944, 5th Battalion Queens Own Cameron Highlanders were the first troops into the Camp. The town of Vught liberated by the Black watch. 51st Highland Division was fighting under command of the Canadian army.4th Canadian Armored Division was over at Bergen-op-Zoom at the time. Also my father was one of the first troops to enter that camp, see www.keep-em-moving.com22 July 1944 - Majdanek was liberated almost intact by Soviet forces. (First major camp to be liberated).January 27, 1945 - about 7,650 sick and or starving prisoners were found at Auschwitz-Birkenau when liberated by Soviet forces.February 19, 1945 Gross-Rosen was liberated by the Red Army.April 12, 1945 US forces liberate Buchenwald (main camp).April 12, 1945 Westerbork Concentration camp was liberated.April 15, 1945 Bergen-Belsen was liberated by British and Canadian troops.April 27, 1945 - Sachsenhausen was liberated by the Soviet Army.April 29, 1945 Dachau was liberated by US forces.May 9, 1945 - Soviet forces liberated Stutthof (last camp to be liberated).also they hung all of the Jews in the gallows

Who first found the death camps of World War 2?

The Allied army that first entered a death camp (extermination camp) was the Soviet Army, which liberated Majdanek in July, 1944. The existence of extermination camps had been known before that, however. Death Camps! Every Allied army liberated death camps. They existed in Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia. Most of the German camps, Buchenwald, Dachau and others were liberated by the French and Americans, while Auschwitz and Theresianstadt were liberated by the Russians. Their existence were only known since 1943, two years before their liberation.

How did the the nashville battle affect the outcome of the civil war?

It effectively destroyed a major Confederate army and liberated Tennessee.

What is the exact date when the Holocaust ended?

The murdering ended (in most cases) when the camps were liberated by the Allies. The actual dates varied from camp to camp, and in some cases as the Allies approached some of the prisoners were taken on death marches. In some parts of Poland, the local (Polish) population continued to murder Jews for some months after the war!

Related questions

Who liberated Majdanek Concentration Camp?

Dachau was liberated by the US Army on 29 April 1945.

When did the US help liberate concentration camps?

Five concentration camps were liberated by US troops, on 11 April 1945 Dora Mittlebau and Buchenwald were reached. On 23 April Flossenburg was liberated, Dachau on the 29th and finally Mauthausen on 4 May. Slaughtered SS members Fierce resistance

When did the liberation of concentration camps start?

On 24 July 1944 the Soviets reached Lublin in Poland and found the destroyed, evacuated and burned out remains of Majdanek. In August they reached the abandoned camps at Sobibor and Treblinka.

Which country was liberated by the Canadian Army in 1944 - 1945?

The answer is of country was liberated by the Canadian army in 1944-1945 is The Netherlands

When was Bergen-Belsen liberated?

Bergen-Belsen was liberated April 15, 1945 by the British Army.

When was the last death camp liberated?

As far as the extermination camps were concerned, Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor and Treblinka were destroyed by the Nazis, Majdanek was liberated by the Soviet Army on 23 July 1944 and Auschwitz I, II and III were also liberated by the Soviet Army - on 27 January 1945. The last 'ordinary' concentration camp liberated was Sttutthof near Danzig on 9 May 1945.

Who liberated mauthausen?

Mauthausen was liberated May 5, 1945 by the American 11th Armored Division.

When did the US shut down the concentration camps during the Holocaust?

Nordhausen was liberated beginning on 11 April 1945 by US troops and the first of the camps established under the Nazi's at Dachau was liberated on 29 April 1945. They were not all closed at that time. Some were used to hold German POW's awaiting release. ___ Many of the camps further east were liberated earlier, including Majdanek on 22 July 1944 and Auschwitz (I, II and III) on 27 January 1945. These camps were liberated by the Soviet Army. ____ The buildings of some concentration camps were used for Displaced Persons' camps.

When was the liberation of Dachau concentration camp by the U.S. 20th Armored Division?

On April 29, 1945, the U.S. Seventh Army’s 45th Infantry Division liberated Dachau, the first concentration camp established by Germany’s Nazi regime. A major Dachau subcamp was liberated the same day by the 42nd Rainbow Division. Elements of the 20th Armored participated on that same date.

What happen to Anne frank after the concentration camp?

She died by a disease (typhus) in March 1945 while in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, a short time before the camp is liberated by the British Army.

What concentration camp was liberated first?

Dachau was first concentration camp. It opened in 1933 near Munich and was originaly designed to hold political prisoners, but later expanded to include "asocials" such as homosexuals, "professioanl criminals" etc. It was a work camp and while deaths from poor conditions and guard brutality were high its purpose was not extremination. Chelmno in Poland was first extermination camp, camp whose purpose was mass killing.

Who liberated concentration camp in harku?