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The USA has the biggest navy so it has most warships

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Q: Which country has the most warship?
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What is The most famous US warship?

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Warship - journal - was created in 1977.

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A corvette is a small, maneuverable, lightly armed warship.

What is a kiev warship?

Possibly a Russian warship built in the Kiev Shipyards.

What type of warship consumed most of the naval strategy of the Confederacy?

Building ironclads consumed most of the South's naval efforts.

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Another name for Ships of War?

Ship of the line, Typically the largest warship of the civil war era.. with at least 3 gun decks. Ironclad, early steam powered warship with defensive armor plating. Frigate, most common size of warship in the civil war. Privateer, privately owned warship, acting under letter of marque. Gunship, any vessel armed with cannon.

How many US warships are there?

i believe there 1000 warship diff kind not sure i known u.s.a have power beat any country

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Warship Support Agency ended in 2005.

When was Warship Support Agency created?

Warship Support Agency was created in 2001.