Sudetenland was the western border of Czechoslovakia where nearly 3 million people spoke German. Sudetenland was later given to Germany by Great Britain due to the signing of the Munich Agreement by Daladier and Neville Chamberlain on September 30, 1938 to avoid war.
To one's knowledge, other than gaining land from Poland to expand from.Hitler wanted to take over Europe, and eventually the world if possible. He considered all others (everyone) in the world to be inferior to the Germans. He wanted to create a "Aryan" race of blond hair blue eyed human beings who all spoke German. Countries such as Czech/Slovak Hung, Poland, were mere stepping stones in his plans for New World Order.
I am not entirely sure, but after a long while of research, not just on the internet, I think that personally, he only killed 16 people. It was his army and the Nazis that did all the killing. In total about11 million people. 6 Million of which were Jews.11 Million (Including other people Hitler hated).But,Jews were the most involved.People do not know exactly why Hitler hated Jews.-Mr.Sir
Approx 8 Million Germans were killed in WW2, about 60% were Military related deaths.
400,000 Americans 8 million Germans 2 million Japanese
The Sudetenland
The Munich conference was a meeting of four European countries (Italy, France, Great Britain and Germany). The agreement allowed Germany to annex Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. Czechoslovakia was not present at this conference, and it should be noted that this land contained key heavy industries, as well as 3 million Germans.
Sudetenland was the western border of Czechoslovakia where nearly 3 million people spoke German. Sudetenland was later given to Germany by Great Britain due to the signing of the Munich Agreement by Daladier and Neville Chamberlain on September 30, 1938 to avoid war.
18.2 million
Western border region of Czechoslovakia where about 3 million German-speaking people lived; a second target of Hitler's lebensraum
Sudetenland was very important to Hitler as it contained roughly 3 million German speaking people. Since, Hitler believed in Anschluss ( reuniting all German speaking), this is why Sudetenland very important to him. Furthermore, Sudetenland is very ( and I mean very) important for Czechoslovakia as it contained their industries. So, losing Sudetenland means losing their industries as well as their defense.
20 million
In English-speaking countries, a trillion is usually a million millions. In many other countries, a trillion is a million times a million times a million.In English-speaking countries, a trillion is usually a million millions. In many other countries, a trillion is a million times a million times a million.In English-speaking countries, a trillion is usually a million millions. In many other countries, a trillion is a million times a million times a million.In English-speaking countries, a trillion is usually a million millions. In many other countries, a trillion is a million times a million times a million.
9 million
abou a million
Around 6 million.