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Ho Chi Minh

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Q: Which of these men was a North Vietnam leader during the Vietnam War?
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What are Ho Chi Minh's importances during Vietnam war?

North Vietnam's leader.

Who was the leader of North Vietnam during the Cold War?

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Who was the communist leader of north Vietnam?

Ho Chi Minh was the leader of the Communist government in North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

Who was a leader of Vietnam country in Vietnam War?

Vietnam was split into two countries during the vietnam war, the north was ruled by Ho Chi Minh and the South by Ngo Diem.

Who was the communist leader of the Vietnam war during the Vietnam war?

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North Vietnam leader in Vietnam War?

Ho Chi Minh.

Who claimed north Vietnam in the war?

North Vietnam was a communist nation during the Viet War. They defeated (conquered) the Republic of South Vietnam during the Vietnam War (April 1975).

Who was the communist leader and president of North Vietnam from 1945 to 1969?

The Communist leader of North Vietnam was Ho Chi Minh. He was a revolutionary leader that wanted Vietnam's independence from foreign countries. He was born in 1890 and died in 1969. After the fall of Saigon during the Vietnam War, it was renamed Ho Chi Minh City for this leader.

Who was in charge of North Vietnam during the War?

Ho Chi Minh was at power in North Vietnam during Vietnam War and he was a Communist.

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Why is Ho Chin Minh a major figure in the Vietnam War era?

He was the leader of North Vietnam.