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Fort Sumter, a fort that remained in the union, was running low on supplies. President Lincoln had to decide whether or not to supply fort. If he did he risked war if not he would giving in to the rebels [the confederate]. Lincoln informed South Carolina that he would be resuplying Fort Sumter. Confederate leaders decided to take over Fort Sumter before the supplies ships arrived. On April 12, 1861, the confederates opened fire on Sumter. the attack lasted for 34 hours until the fort had to surrender. The Conferderate attack on Fort Sumter was the beginning of the Civil War.

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The Revolutionary War was NOT a declared war. It was a war of rebellion against the crown (Britain). Legally, the signers of the Declaration could've been executed had they lost the rebellion; as Franklin said when he signed it, "...well at least we'll all hang together."

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Q: Who declared war in the Revolutionary War?
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Read about George Rogers Clarke. Read about the battle of Point Pleasant in Virginia, which congress declared was the first battle of the Revolutionary War. That might get you started.

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